Acquiring Images - Scanning

  1. Turn on the Scanner, place your photo or object face down on the glass.
  2. Access the scanning software
    1. If you have an image editing program such as Photoshop, Photoshop Elements or Paint Shop Pro, you can scan directly into these programs. Open the image editing program. Most likely, you will use an Import or Acquire command to access the scanning program. For instance, in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, choose "Import" from the File Menu and then choose the name of your scanner from the list. This will open the scanning software that came with your scanner. You will use the scanning software to make your settings and scan. The resulting image will be open in the image editing program.
    2. If you do not have an image editing program, open the software that comes with the scanner.
  3. Most scanning software will pre-scan the image upon opening the software. If you do not see a representation of your image in the scanning software, look for a Prescan or Preview button.
  4. Once you see your image in the scanning software, you need to designate what portions of the the flatbed to scan. Draw a rectangle around the image. Look for a Rectangle icon to select if you are not able to just place the cursor on a corner and draw a selection around your image.
  5. Adjust the settings to capture the right amount of pixels and correct photo type.
    • Select what type of photo or scan. Each scanner might have a different terminology. Examples to choose for a color photo are: Color, Color Photo, Sharp Millions of Colors, Color RGB.
    • When scanning, the issue of how many pixels are captured is important to consider. See the section on Sizing Images for the Web. Always scan your image at the size you need it or larger. Never scan smaller than you might need and enlarge it later. Once you have scanned a picture, you can size a picture down without losing too much quality, but enlarging it will usually degrade the image.
    • Many scanners do not offer a way to set or even see the pixel dimensions, so you need to set the size by setting the resolution and percentage size. Set the resolution to 72 ppi (sometimes referred to as dpi). Set the percentage, it should remain at the default 100% unless you want to enlarge the photo. Increasing the percentage setting and increasing the size in inches will do the same thing. See examples of image sizes in the section on Sizing Images for the Web.
  6. Once you have your settings, hit the Scan button.
  7. The scanned photo will become an unsaved opened document in your scanning program or image editing program. Save the file to your hard drive.
  8. If you need to, see the sections on Cropping and Straightening and Resizing.
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