Confirm Email to Receive Notifications

In most cases, email addresses are automatically confirmed in Canvas. However, there are some instances where an email address must be manually confirmed.

Having a confirmed email address is important for receiving Canvas Notifications and using some 3rd party tools in Canvas such as Turnitin.

Steps 1-3 are to determine if your email address is currently confirmed.
Steps 4-5 are to confirm your email address.

  1. Click Account (Your Profile Picture) in the left-hand global Canvas navigation.
  2. In the Account menu, select Settings.
  3. Review your email address details.
    • If there is a star symbol next to your email address, your email address is confirmed.
      • Done.
    • If there is an exclamation point symbol next to your email address, your email address needs to be confirmed.
  4. Click on your email address to resend the confirmation message to your email account.
    • Allow a few minutes for the email to arrive.
  5. Log on to your email account.
    • Open the verification email from Canvas Notifications.
    • Click the link Click here to confirm this registration to complete the confirmation process.
    • Done.

Steps 1 and 2 of the email confirmation process

Steps 3 and 4 of the email confirmation process

Step 5 of the email confirmation process

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