Career Education Online

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Welcome to Career Education Online

An SRJC Distance Education Project


The SRJC Distance Education Department has been awarded grant funds to assist faculty in the creation and marketing of new, online Career Education and Adult Education courses that will contribute to the availability of additional, fully-online Career Education and Adult Education certificates. The grant is funded by the CCC Chancellor's Office and administered by the CVC-OEI. Details about the grant program can be found on the Improving Online CTE Pathways Grant website. What follows are the details about the grant-funded project at SRJC, administered by the Distance Education Department.

Short Deadline

All work must be completed and reviewed before the end of the grant period (June 2020). Allowing time for the review process, faculty will need to target the end of April to finish with course content creation.


Download documentThe Application period has ended. Contact Lisa Beach ( for more information.

Primary Goals

The primary goals of this project are to:
DE staff

  • Assist faculty in the creation new, fully-online CE and Adult Education certificates at SRJC by filling in course gaps in existing partially-online certificates.
  • Expand access to existing online courses and certificates by helping faculty to create new versions of these courses, thereby increasing the number of sections available for high-demand, online CE courses.
  • Assist faculty in finding ways to improve the quality of existing online certificates by helping them to align their courses with the CVC-OEI Rubric, elevate instructor “presence,” and increase student engagement.
  • Reduce students’ cost of completing these courses and certificates by assisting faculty in discovering and integrating available Open Educational Resources in their subject areas.
  • Increase the visibility of, and enrollment in, existing online certificates by creating and implementing a social-media-based marketing campaign.
  • Pilot new educational software to determine whether faculty would be interested in using it in their courses.

Faculty Participation and Compensation

The project specifies compensating faculty for the creation of 25 new online courses as well as 15 new versions of existing online courses.

Faculty who participate in this project will be compensated for twenty (20) hours at their base hourly rate per unit of the course.

  1. Online course development is not considered loaded, but rather ancillary duties or “ghost” loaded.
  2. If more than one faculty member is developing a course, the developers must formally agree to the division of the compensation and note their percentage of compensation on the signature page below. Each participating faculty member is subject to all contract provisions for review, approval, and scheduling.

Faculty/Course Parameters

Faculty interested in applying to participate in this project should keep in mind the following:

Distance Education Department Assistance

Faculty accepted into the project will be assisted in creating courses in the following ways:

  • The Distance Education Department will provide an in-person orientation to review the project goals and timelines.
  • The Director of Distance Education will be available to answer any questions about the project goals, structure, compensation, timelines, etc.
  • The Instructional Designer will meet with faculty  to provide guidance in the overall design of the course in order to ensure that it aligns with the OEI Rubric and to offer expertise in the selection and use of educational technology tools.

The Course Developers will be available to

  • Offer training in the use of the Canvas LMS
  • Offer training in the use of other educational software the instructor chooses to use
  • Locate educational resources the instructor is interested in including in their course
  • Relocate, reorganize or reformat existing instructional resources in Canvas as the instructor directs

The Multimedia Specialist will be available to

  • Assist faculty in the creation and editing of a short welcome video
  • Assist faculty with any other multimedia work

The Instructional Accessibility Specialist and her assistants will be available to

  • Provide an overview of accessibility compliance during the project orientation meeting
  • Answer any questions about making particular content accessible
  • Fix any accessibility compliance issues with course materials
  • Review all completed course content for accessibility compliance

The Instructional Systems Support Specialist and his assistants will be available to

  • Create "sandbox" Canvas courses as needed
  • Provide technical support for issues related to Canvas, SIS, system logins, application integrations, etc.
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