While creating Canvas materials, address common accessibility issues with Pope Tech.
Pope Tech is an accessibility testing tool available to instructors within the Canvas editing mode. There are two parts:
- Pope Tech Dashboard will test an entire course, and offer links to Canvas pages with issues that then will allow you to use the Pope Tech Instructor Guide interface to perform the fixes.
- Pope Tech Instructor Guide will scan a Canvas page, list accessibility errors, and provide an interface for fixing the errors.
How to Use the Pope Tech Dashboard
See the Distance Ed page about Pope Tech Dashboards.
See the Pope Tech page about the Canvas Accessibility Instructor Dashboards
How to Use the Pope Tech Instructor Guide
Pope Tech is installed in SRJC's Canvas.
- From the Editing interface on a Canvas page, assignment, or discussion, click on the "P"
button, which can be found next to the Save and Cancel buttons.
- Once Pope Tech is activated, a fly-out menu will appear along the right-hand side of the screen displaying the Pope Tech interface, which will list the number of errors and alerts needing attention.
- Expandable areas show five results categories: Images and Links, Text and Contrast, Headings, Tables and Lists, and Documents.
- Click to expand one of the categories, and click on an issue.
- You will be presented with fields and tools for fixing each issue.
- Use the Save button in the Canvas interface to save changes.
See the Distance Ed Pope Tech Instructor Guide tutorial page for more information on how to use the interface, including screen shots.
See a demo of how to use the Pope Tech tool below.
To request Help, submit a support ticket with DE Support in Service Desk Plus.